Saturday, July 11, 2020

Mini Habits

Hello friends!
Today we will learn about those small habits, due to which we can change ourselves completely positive. These habits are so small that it will take only 1-5 minutes daily to make them.

Bruce Lee stated that "concentration is the root of all higher abilities in humans"

Time is worth as much as we pay attention to that time -

Today, if a player is playing cricket in the Indian cricket team, he has been able to reach there only and only because of his concentration on cricket for many years. If the player who is in the Indian cricket team, he would have thought of becoming a singer, dancer, footballer in between, then today he wouldn't probably be a part of that team. To date, we have been taught that time is more expensive than gold, which is a lie, but there is no cost of time, the only price is attention. Time will be as precious as we give him attention.

For example - many students studying in the same class, at the same time and from the same teacher, but why don't all have the same marks? Time is not priceless but the priceless is attention because the children who brought more marks gave attention in their class so that they would be able to remember more and more, while the students who brought fewer marks gave less attention in their class.
Better work can only happen when we are 100% attentive while doing that work.

The University of Chicago researcher travelled around the world to find out when people give their best efforts in their work and after 20 years of his deep research, he discovered that people use their awareness and attention only when they are in the "Flow" state. Flow is a situation in which people become so involved in their work that they don't have any other thing for them, then it is such a great experience that people will want to experience that work at any cost.
Whenever we experience the flow state, then we become fully engaged in the task, we don't care about time, we find everything easy, every step of us gives us the way to our next step and everything just flows.

People know the flow state by different names - like psychologist called it - Peak experience, Athelts is - in the zone and Jazz musicians call it - in the pocket. After studying the top business executives for ten years, McKinsey & Company came to know that being in the flow increases our productivity not only by 100-200% but by 500% but we can experience this flow state only when we are working. But our problem is that we don't feel like working.

Procrastination is a very big problem in which we get used to postponing work. 80-90% of the students postpone their reading which wastes a third of their day. We can stop laziness and avoidance in two ways -
1. Motivation
2. WillPower

1. Motivation -
Motivation is a limited resource that changes frequently. Like, after taking inspiration from someone, we decided that we would wake up every morning and do 100 pushups and chances are that we will give up by doing 20 pushups or do this habit for 3-4 days only. 

And return to the old days and inspiration finished. Creating a good habit requires more willpower than motivation. Inspiration is a good thing, but we are motivated about the same things that we like, for example playing favorite games, going around, etc. But if we have to clean the room, then we will not get inspiration.

2. WillPower -
If we keep a big target to change our habit from the beginning, then our will power will not support it either. Just like if we want to do 100 pushups in a single day, we will not be able to do it, if we want to meditate 30 minutes on the first day, then we will not be able to do it. So we have to start these habits with small habits which we just start doing something small. If we want to do daily push-ups, then we have to get in the habit of doing 5 push-ups daily, this will also support our willpower.

If we keep doing any such habit gradually, then the time of doing any habit will also increase gradually. We have to start doing any work in such a small way, that work should be done from us anyhow. Like if we have to research any topic, then we have to search for only one website thoroughly. We will be able to give 100% effort and we will continue to have a good habit. 

Whatever work you want to do, the first step to start that work is to reduce it to the extent that you feel stupid. Just like if you want to build a 50-story building and if you collect only 5-10 bricks now, then it is perfectly right because you have at least started any of your work whether that work may be small.

Such stupid short work produces an effect called the Zeigarnik effect. It is a psychological phenomenon that says that we remember incomplete work more than the completed work. So once we start working, we are forced to complete it. 

We must make work so easy that we cannot say no to work. We keep avoiding work to start because we feel inside that maybe this work will not be completed in such a short time from us. That is what scares us inside and creates laziness in us.

The only way to avoid and eliminate laziness is to drive away from the fear of failure "- for which we need an expectation that" yes we can do it "and that expectation will come from doing a small stupid part of any task And in the same way, we can end our avoidance and laziness by resorting to small habits and stupid small work.

You can read this book to know more -

If you want to read it in Hindi, click here: -

Thank you!

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