Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Deep Work

Hello friends!

If we are doing any work semi-distracted or distracted then in future our work will be done by any robots, software or any machines, if we don't have the skill of deep working then this multi-tasking work will be done by thousands of people and they will be ready to do less money than us due to overpopulation and unemployment.

Let's understand deep work by an example - like Bill Gates's Microsoft Company and J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series is very popular all over the world. Although there are many writers, programmers in this world, then why are these two things popular all over the world? Because Microsoft company and the Harry Potter series were created by Bill Gates and J.K. Rowling had adopted a technique called Deep Work, which today very few people adopt this technique.

What is deep work?

This work is of two types -
1. Shallow work
2. Deep work

1. Shallow work - This is the work that should be done with distraction, such as doing office work while talking, working on a project while listening to songs, doing some work while humming a song, etc. That is all the work that we call multitasking is actually Shallow work. Shallow work reduces our productivity and wastes more time. 
Like repeatedly scrolling social sites, checking emails, replying to messages, this is all Shallow work. Whenever we do all these things even in our life, it will not change anything in our life.

2. Deep work - Deep work is an activity done by professionals in a distraction-free environment which is a little difficult but important intellectual work that should be done for a long time without distraction. In which, we need a distraction-free environment which increases our thinking capabilities so much that it is very valuable and hard to replicate. Meaning, it is a skill that no one can steal and copy from us. With this skill, our work will be different and most powerful.
There are some real examples - As an American writer, Mark Twain used to work in an isolated room that his family members used a phone to call him. Microsoft founder Bill Gates also celebrates think weeks twice a year, in which he works away from the internet and people, reading in his lakeside cottage and thinking of new ideas. MIT professor Alen Lightman also goes to his small island for some time where there is no internet or mobile. We feel that our work is also completed with distraction, so why do we need deep work without distraction?

As far as we have discussed that if we are doing anything semi-distracted or distracted, then in future any work will be done by robots, software, or any machines. If we do not have the skill of deep working then thousands of people will be ready to do this multi-tasking work with less money than us due to overpopulation and unemployment. Meaning our Shallow work will be automated somehow.

From the concept of Attention Residue, we can understand why shallow work is so bad?

As if you are working on a project with 100% focus and in such a situation, you suddenly start checking mobile due to notification on your mobile and then when you come back to your work, that 20- 30% focus out of 100% remains in your mobile and 70-80% focus is returned to your work i.e. 20-30% was your Attention Residue which has remained in your previous work. And in such multitasking, we do many things at once, while switching from one work to another, a lot of our focus is wasted so that we are never able to fully give 100% to our work.

If we want to make ourselves rare, valuable, unique, then we have to learn to work deep because in the coming time, due to digitalization, people will have less than the attention span of goldfish i.e. less than 8 seconds. And if we can do deep work for many hours at that time, then we will be counted among the rare, valuable professionals above the rest who can produce work of world-class quality.

It is estimated that in the coming economy only 3 types of leagues will be able to survive and progress -
1. People who have a lot of funds who can invest in big companies
2. Those people who understand artificial intelligence, machine and technology can work with them
3. People who are experts in their respective fields

Obviously, this approach is the best and suitable for all three of them - the third one - those who are experts in their respective fields. All of us will be able to become experts in our field only if we can do deep work along with 100% concentration and focus.

How is deep work done or how to do it?

There are four ways of doing deep work that we can choose according to our needs -

1. Monastic deep work - In which, we leave everything like wax and just get isolated in accomplishing a goal. Bill Gates in the 1970s created the first version of basic by removing himself from the world for eight consecutive weeks which the coding went ahead to become the base program of millions of company Microsoft. Everyone can't work on their goals by shutting themselves like wax, but if we try, we will get a great advantage.

2. Bimodal deep work - It means that sometimes working like a Monastic deep work approach and live your normal life for the rest of the time. This method is for those who cannot separate themselves completely from the world.

J.K. Rowling was having a lot of distraction at her home to finish her last book as she was bothered by the barking of dogs, the noise of children, and many other distractions, so she adopted this Bimodal deep work method. Whenever she had to work on her book, she used to write in the hotel, away from the internet and people, and later came home to live a normal life.
In the same way, we can do it whenever we have to do our work, then we will be out-of-contact for a few hours and when our work is done then we will come in front of people and start living a normal life.

3. Rhythmic deep work - Means deep work for essential work and shallow work for the rest of the work, in this way it is necessary to make the habit of doing Rhythmic deep work every day. We have to fix a time for daily, how many hours of deep work, and how many hours of shallow work we will spend for our work.

4. Journalistic deep work - If we are busy all day, then we can adopt this method, as a journalist, whenever we get free time, then even if it is half an hour, we work deep. 
As we know that we are going to be free between 3-3.30 pm, then we can turn off our phone and do deep work at that time. This is fully customizable and a way of doing deep work according to yourself.
To produce quality work, it is very important to move away from distractions to deep work. These people have different ways to work deep but the objective is the same - to work without distraction.

You can read this book to know more -

If you want to read it in Hindi, click here:-

Thank you!

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