Thursday, June 11, 2020

Are you shy ? How to end shyness?


Hello Friends !!
This Shyness occurs in everyone, less in some or more in some, but in all.
Shyness means a lot to speak but it is hesitant to speak, I am not afraid to speak in the room alone, but in front of a few people there is fear, hesitation, nervousness. These few people can be anyone - like a girl, a boy, someone older than us, an audience.

Shyness is a fear of negative reactions of people like they will make fun of me, they do reject me, somewhere people don't misunderstand me, people don't think of me as stupid, etc

Shyness - A Fear of Rejection

No shy is born, then where is this fear? These may be just some of the incidents of our past, due to which we become shy. Everyone's past is different, so the confidence level of everyone is different, so this fear starts from rejecting us, making fun of us, and taking any such incident in our hearts. How to get yourself out of this problem, here are some steps that we can get rid of this problem by following: -

1. We are shy, we do not have to tell anyone - 

If we say that we are shy, then we distance ourselves from participation. And in that participation, we can be rejected. To protect ourselves from fear, we say that we are shy and it is our shyness that makes the front person feel powerful so that he sees us with a loose eye, which further increases our problem.

2. Adopt rejections - Just like we all have different choices, it is not necessary that if you like an actress or an actor, then your friend will also like the same. In the same way, if someone likes you then there will be those who dislike you, in such a situation, we should make habit of rejections and this habit does not let our confidence down.

Like we take an example of a cricket player, a cricket player knows how much pressure is on him, he has the responsibility of the entire team and even if he could not play properly, that player knows the results what he will face but still, he plays because he has adopted rejections and he knows that this is all part of the game.

3. Ask yourself, is this correct? - If we have trouble talking to someone unknown, then we should ask ourselves a question about whether am I doing something wrong ? you will get your answer as "NO", Because you are talking to someone, not killing them, saying that we just want to talk to the person in front of you and not any crime that makes us scared or nervous.

Let's take another example. Suppose we went to buy something in a shop, then the shopkeeper asked us what we want to buy and we kept silent. At that moment we have a strange hesitation, then we should ask ourselves why I am hesitating, I am giving money for the goods, then why I am hesitating and in such a situation what will the shopkeeper think about me? It is his job to give the same to the customer, you will feel easy and light by questioning yourself.

4. Respect Yourself -Nobody is perfect and nobody is useless, everyone has some quality and some drawbacks. If we do not respect ourselves, then how will anyone respect us? First, we have to admit that yes I am not perfect but it is not that I am nothing but I am something. This will make us feel confident inside. If we respect ourselves, then only someone will do our respect.

5. Respect others, give them Compliment - If we give Compliment to someone, the person in front thinks positively about us, but it is not necessary that everyone will think positively about us or everyone will think negatively about us. First, we have to think that if somebody gives me a Compliment, how will I feel? "Obviously, there is nobody in the world who doesn't like the compliment?" , We can start a friendship with someone only by praising them. There is a saying that giving respect is an honor.

6. Accept your weaknesses -Like, suppose I don't know how to dance and my friend asked me to dance, instead of having a hundred questions in my mind, I just have to openly tell my friend that I don't know how to dance. So either my friend will not tell me to dance again or he will say that he will teach me to dance. With this, we will feel easy with that task (dance) which looked a huge task, will look easy. This will eliminate the fear of thinking in us.
These weaknesses can be anything - such as stage fear, singing, playing cricket, etc .....

7. Do not think too much - Our thinking only defines us the difference between right and wrong, and if our thinking is not in a position then it becomes overthinking which doesn't let us and our mind remain calm and causes us to become confused which makes us lack confidence. So we don't have to think too much.

8. Proper dressing and hygiene - I have often experienced that if I did not dress properly or my clothes were not clean or my clothes were too tight or loose or I wore heavier clothes where I should wear casual clothes. So this is not right and in such a situation I have found my confidence very staggering.
And also, if someone talked to me but if it smells from his body or mouth, then obviously we will not have a positive feeling about them, then we should always take care of our clothes and hygiene.

9. Just don't think, take a small action - Whenever you talk to someone, be ready with a topic in the beginning.
 1. Keep eye contact while talking to someone
2. Talk to strangers
3. Try to be happy
4. Can join any group, in which we can improve ourselves by sharing ideas, making friends, talking to them. 

Friends, it may seem a little strange in the beginning and we may be hesitant to talk to any unknown, but this will help to overcome shyness.

There is saying-
                               Believe in your flyness and conquer your shyness.
                                       Trust your flight and conquer your shame.
Click here if you want to read it in Hindi:-

Thank you!

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