Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Deep Work

Hello friends!

If we are doing any work semi-distracted or distracted then in future our work will be done by any robots, software or any machines, if we don't have the skill of deep working then this multi-tasking work will be done by thousands of people and they will be ready to do less money than us due to overpopulation and unemployment.

Let's understand deep work by an example - like Bill Gates's Microsoft Company and J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series is very popular all over the world. Although there are many writers, programmers in this world, then why are these two things popular all over the world? Because Microsoft company and the Harry Potter series were created by Bill Gates and J.K. Rowling had adopted a technique called Deep Work, which today very few people adopt this technique.

What is deep work?

This work is of two types -
1. Shallow work
2. Deep work

1. Shallow work - This is the work that should be done with distraction, such as doing office work while talking, working on a project while listening to songs, doing some work while humming a song, etc. That is all the work that we call multitasking is actually Shallow work. Shallow work reduces our productivity and wastes more time. 
Like repeatedly scrolling social sites, checking emails, replying to messages, this is all Shallow work. Whenever we do all these things even in our life, it will not change anything in our life.

2. Deep work - Deep work is an activity done by professionals in a distraction-free environment which is a little difficult but important intellectual work that should be done for a long time without distraction. In which, we need a distraction-free environment which increases our thinking capabilities so much that it is very valuable and hard to replicate. Meaning, it is a skill that no one can steal and copy from us. With this skill, our work will be different and most powerful.
There are some real examples - As an American writer, Mark Twain used to work in an isolated room that his family members used a phone to call him. Microsoft founder Bill Gates also celebrates think weeks twice a year, in which he works away from the internet and people, reading in his lakeside cottage and thinking of new ideas. MIT professor Alen Lightman also goes to his small island for some time where there is no internet or mobile. We feel that our work is also completed with distraction, so why do we need deep work without distraction?

As far as we have discussed that if we are doing anything semi-distracted or distracted, then in future any work will be done by robots, software, or any machines. If we do not have the skill of deep working then thousands of people will be ready to do this multi-tasking work with less money than us due to overpopulation and unemployment. Meaning our Shallow work will be automated somehow.

From the concept of Attention Residue, we can understand why shallow work is so bad?

As if you are working on a project with 100% focus and in such a situation, you suddenly start checking mobile due to notification on your mobile and then when you come back to your work, that 20- 30% focus out of 100% remains in your mobile and 70-80% focus is returned to your work i.e. 20-30% was your Attention Residue which has remained in your previous work. And in such multitasking, we do many things at once, while switching from one work to another, a lot of our focus is wasted so that we are never able to fully give 100% to our work.

If we want to make ourselves rare, valuable, unique, then we have to learn to work deep because in the coming time, due to digitalization, people will have less than the attention span of goldfish i.e. less than 8 seconds. And if we can do deep work for many hours at that time, then we will be counted among the rare, valuable professionals above the rest who can produce work of world-class quality.

It is estimated that in the coming economy only 3 types of leagues will be able to survive and progress -
1. People who have a lot of funds who can invest in big companies
2. Those people who understand artificial intelligence, machine and technology can work with them
3. People who are experts in their respective fields

Obviously, this approach is the best and suitable for all three of them - the third one - those who are experts in their respective fields. All of us will be able to become experts in our field only if we can do deep work along with 100% concentration and focus.

How is deep work done or how to do it?

There are four ways of doing deep work that we can choose according to our needs -

1. Monastic deep work - In which, we leave everything like wax and just get isolated in accomplishing a goal. Bill Gates in the 1970s created the first version of basic by removing himself from the world for eight consecutive weeks which the coding went ahead to become the base program of millions of company Microsoft. Everyone can't work on their goals by shutting themselves like wax, but if we try, we will get a great advantage.

2. Bimodal deep work - It means that sometimes working like a Monastic deep work approach and live your normal life for the rest of the time. This method is for those who cannot separate themselves completely from the world.

J.K. Rowling was having a lot of distraction at her home to finish her last book as she was bothered by the barking of dogs, the noise of children, and many other distractions, so she adopted this Bimodal deep work method. Whenever she had to work on her book, she used to write in the hotel, away from the internet and people, and later came home to live a normal life.
In the same way, we can do it whenever we have to do our work, then we will be out-of-contact for a few hours and when our work is done then we will come in front of people and start living a normal life.

3. Rhythmic deep work - Means deep work for essential work and shallow work for the rest of the work, in this way it is necessary to make the habit of doing Rhythmic deep work every day. We have to fix a time for daily, how many hours of deep work, and how many hours of shallow work we will spend for our work.

4. Journalistic deep work - If we are busy all day, then we can adopt this method, as a journalist, whenever we get free time, then even if it is half an hour, we work deep. 
As we know that we are going to be free between 3-3.30 pm, then we can turn off our phone and do deep work at that time. This is fully customizable and a way of doing deep work according to yourself.
To produce quality work, it is very important to move away from distractions to deep work. These people have different ways to work deep but the objective is the same - to work without distraction.

You can read this book to know more -

If you want to read it in Hindi, click here:-

Thank you!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

The Obstacle is the way

Hello friends!
Do you feel that your life is not in your control? Have you ever faced such a big challenge in your life that you don't understand what you will do?
And if so, there are some tips that can help us deal with such challenges -

1. You're never completely powerless: -
Just think how you would feel if someone is accused of wrongdoing and you are locked up in jail? One such famous boxer in the US - Rubin Carter, who was put in jail on charges of a triple murder, who had not actually committed the murder. Then instead of he cried like other people and giving up, he had mental fortitude and started reciting books on law, history, and philosophy in jail to redeem himself and after 19 years he proved himself innocent and Rid himself of prison. After he was released from prison, Rubin Carter continued his life instead of asking for an apology from the court or telling the world the story of Injustice that happened to him. Because he said that people can take away everything from you but not your thinking, beliefs, reactions mean we can never be powerless.
So no matter how bad the situation is, we want to convert that barrier into an advantage, so we have to remember that "we are never completely powerless".

2.The art of not panicking: -

When NASA trains its astronauts to send them to space, they first taught a skill not to panic. Because when people get nervous they make mistakes and start reacting by forgetting the procedures and rules which are equivalent to death in space. Our emotions don't allow our problems to be seen clearly, so we have more solutions to the problems of others than ours that he should do it, he should do that. Because we are not emotional in the problems of others and in such a situation we can see the problems clearly and can also find the best solution to the problem.

Whatever problem we have, we can think of it as someone else's problem then find a solution to it, and we can use that solution to finish our problem.
As at the age of 67, Thomas Edison's factory caught fire, which he owned by his hard-work. By hearing this, he immediately reached his factory, and instead of running and panicking there, he told the people standing there that "Go call your wife and children bring them, they have never seen such a fire show in their life."  Everyone shocked to hear - Is Thomas Edison was crazy?

Thomas Edison was not mad, he understood that the fire has been started and now can't change anything, and weeping can't do anything. So he did what was in his control at that time and from the next day, he started recovering his burnt factory. And the very next year of that accident he also generated 10 million dollar revenue from his company.

3. Don't panic & focus on what can be controlled: -

There are two types of obstacles in our life: -

1. Internal Obstacles - Which are in our controls
2. External Obstacles - which aren't in our control

We should understand that we can't control all things like weather disasters, the economy, emotions of others and their judgments, etc. But we can control ourselves, so we should control the things on which is in our control and those who aren't, there should control the response, and should n't worry about those things.

4. Follow the process: -
American football coach Nick Saban teaches his players to follow the process. He tells their players to forget as much as the championship and forget to beat the other team and just concentrate on the process of playing and focus on each of their moves in the game and Practice so as to beat the championship as much as the other team and move forward towards there goal.

Demosthenes - Who had difficulty in speaking properly became the great auditors of Athens by following the process. He prepared a process for himself to remove the stuttering of his speech and started following that process like tongue exercise, giving a staircase speech, speaking by maintaining his voice even in the strong wind, etc. He prepared an underground room in his house to educate himself and started reading books, and speech therapy. He can spend maximum time in his progress, took a powerful but weird decision, he shaves half his head so that he doesn't even feel like going out and his time is not spent outside. He followed the entire process of becoming a master and shortly after, a stuttering person achieved such a mastery that people were shocked to hear his powerful expression, strong voice, and the way of speaking.

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb by following some similar processes. In 1878, apart from Thomas Edison, many other inventors were also involved in making the light bulb but Thomas Edison succeeded in making light bulb as he followed the process. To make the light bulb, he tested filaments of more than 6000 materials step by step and followed the watt range of the material then he got success whereas no other inventor tried so many materials by following such a long process. Saying is to forget the long path of your work and follow the process which helps you to move forward in that path because any problem can solve by following some process.

5. Be prepared for the worst: -

The world can drop us, hurt us, but if we are already prepared for it, then we will not have as much trouble as we would have been because of not being ready.

Decision-making research psychologist Gary Klein has devised a technique called Pre-Mortem.
For example, when someone dies, his / her post-mortem is done as to what actually caused him / her death.
We have to reverse the same concept, whenever we take any important decision, then pre-mortem it, that is, to define why our decision can also be spread. The person who is ready for the best result and also for the worst situation can't emotionally distract the failure and that person can easily find a solution by taking a better decision.

6. STOICISM (complete mastery of your emotions): -

If something bad happens to us in our life, then we shouldn't always think that something bad has happened to me, rather it should be thought that it could have been worse with us. Like if our job is lost then there will be saved in our bank, if our leg is broken then at least our life is saved, if the house is to be mortgaged, at least our health is safe. In this way that we can control our emotions which will make us stronger than ever.

Benjamin Franklin used to say that what hurts us teaches us.

"Stop looking for angels and start looking for angles"

You can read this book to know more -

If you want to read it in Hindi, click here: -

Thank you!

Are you shy ? How to end shyness?


Hello Friends !!
This Shyness occurs in everyone, less in some or more in some, but in all.
Shyness means a lot to speak but it is hesitant to speak, I am not afraid to speak in the room alone, but in front of a few people there is fear, hesitation, nervousness. These few people can be anyone - like a girl, a boy, someone older than us, an audience.

Shyness is a fear of negative reactions of people like they will make fun of me, they do reject me, somewhere people don't misunderstand me, people don't think of me as stupid, etc

Shyness - A Fear of Rejection

No shy is born, then where is this fear? These may be just some of the incidents of our past, due to which we become shy. Everyone's past is different, so the confidence level of everyone is different, so this fear starts from rejecting us, making fun of us, and taking any such incident in our hearts. How to get yourself out of this problem, here are some steps that we can get rid of this problem by following: -

1. We are shy, we do not have to tell anyone - 

If we say that we are shy, then we distance ourselves from participation. And in that participation, we can be rejected. To protect ourselves from fear, we say that we are shy and it is our shyness that makes the front person feel powerful so that he sees us with a loose eye, which further increases our problem.

2. Adopt rejections - Just like we all have different choices, it is not necessary that if you like an actress or an actor, then your friend will also like the same. In the same way, if someone likes you then there will be those who dislike you, in such a situation, we should make habit of rejections and this habit does not let our confidence down.

Like we take an example of a cricket player, a cricket player knows how much pressure is on him, he has the responsibility of the entire team and even if he could not play properly, that player knows the results what he will face but still, he plays because he has adopted rejections and he knows that this is all part of the game.

3. Ask yourself, is this correct? - If we have trouble talking to someone unknown, then we should ask ourselves a question about whether am I doing something wrong ? you will get your answer as "NO", Because you are talking to someone, not killing them, saying that we just want to talk to the person in front of you and not any crime that makes us scared or nervous.

Let's take another example. Suppose we went to buy something in a shop, then the shopkeeper asked us what we want to buy and we kept silent. At that moment we have a strange hesitation, then we should ask ourselves why I am hesitating, I am giving money for the goods, then why I am hesitating and in such a situation what will the shopkeeper think about me? It is his job to give the same to the customer, you will feel easy and light by questioning yourself.

4. Respect Yourself -Nobody is perfect and nobody is useless, everyone has some quality and some drawbacks. If we do not respect ourselves, then how will anyone respect us? First, we have to admit that yes I am not perfect but it is not that I am nothing but I am something. This will make us feel confident inside. If we respect ourselves, then only someone will do our respect.

5. Respect others, give them Compliment - If we give Compliment to someone, the person in front thinks positively about us, but it is not necessary that everyone will think positively about us or everyone will think negatively about us. First, we have to think that if somebody gives me a Compliment, how will I feel? "Obviously, there is nobody in the world who doesn't like the compliment?" , We can start a friendship with someone only by praising them. There is a saying that giving respect is an honor.

6. Accept your weaknesses -Like, suppose I don't know how to dance and my friend asked me to dance, instead of having a hundred questions in my mind, I just have to openly tell my friend that I don't know how to dance. So either my friend will not tell me to dance again or he will say that he will teach me to dance. With this, we will feel easy with that task (dance) which looked a huge task, will look easy. This will eliminate the fear of thinking in us.
These weaknesses can be anything - such as stage fear, singing, playing cricket, etc .....

7. Do not think too much - Our thinking only defines us the difference between right and wrong, and if our thinking is not in a position then it becomes overthinking which doesn't let us and our mind remain calm and causes us to become confused which makes us lack confidence. So we don't have to think too much.

8. Proper dressing and hygiene - I have often experienced that if I did not dress properly or my clothes were not clean or my clothes were too tight or loose or I wore heavier clothes where I should wear casual clothes. So this is not right and in such a situation I have found my confidence very staggering.
And also, if someone talked to me but if it smells from his body or mouth, then obviously we will not have a positive feeling about them, then we should always take care of our clothes and hygiene.

9. Just don't think, take a small action - Whenever you talk to someone, be ready with a topic in the beginning.
 1. Keep eye contact while talking to someone
2. Talk to strangers
3. Try to be happy
4. Can join any group, in which we can improve ourselves by sharing ideas, making friends, talking to them. 

Friends, it may seem a little strange in the beginning and we may be hesitant to talk to any unknown, but this will help to overcome shyness.

There is saying-
                               Believe in your flyness and conquer your shyness.
                                       Trust your flight and conquer your shame.
Click here if you want to read it in Hindi:-

Thank you!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Ego is the enemy, how to defeat ego?

Both Ego and Attitude are interconnected.
Let us first understand, what is Attitude?
Attitude is a very big thing that has a small part Ego - like if Attitude is a continent then Ego is a small country.

There are two types of attitude: -
1. Good Attitude - This helps us move forward.
2. Bad Attitude - In which we think only and only about ourselves.

Ego is part of Bad Attitude. Every Ego possessing person (Egoistic) has an Attitude, but not every person possessing Attitude needs to also have an Ego.

Just like, We humans are Omnivore (omnivore) but it is not necessary that every human is Carnivore (non-vegetarian) or every human is Herbivore (vegetarian).

Attitude tells us what we think about something, what we feel, how to respond in any situation.

Ego is our unhealthy Believe which makes us selfish and self-important. It does not let us realize our faults. If there is any person in Ego, despite his fault, he will not accept his mistake and he will keep trying to show himself perfect.

Ego distances us from ourselves and gets us to do things that others are impressed with, whether we like doing them or not. It prevents us from learning that if someone is advising us that there is a deficiency in our activity, then we don't want to listen about that deficiency. This changes our confidence in arrogance. It ruins our long-term goals by creating short-term satisfaction for some time. It makes us feel bigger than others, which is not right.

How to recognize that Ego is inside us?
In the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Lord Shri Krishna has said that as long as we are doing our work with full devotion and working for progress seeing everyone from a common perspective, then everything is fine but when we are at the top, the rest are not and we start thinking of everyone as small, then there is no doubt that Ego has come in us.

Every person has one of the three stages at any time of their life: -

1. Aspiring - Working to get something.
2. Succeeding - Finding something for which you were working.
3. Failing - Could not do anything.
In these three stages, our biggest enemy always stands to make us fall and that is our own Ego.

Let us see how Ego is in the middle of our three-stage goals?

1. Aspiring - "Less working people talk more". As if we started going to a fitness class today, then after coming from there, we definitely share our posts, pics in social media as much as we have not done fitness exercises. As much as we put our time, willpower, energy into telling people that we would have done that work. In such a situation, our motivation ends in a few days. The reason for this is Ego - because we did not take action in our work and continued to impress others. When the truth is that neither our work will be completed nor we impressed anyone.
So in this way we should use that energy, will, time to work instead of wasting energy, time, willpower on negotiations.

2. Succeeding - When we find something that we are working for, then our confidence increases but sometimes it becomes overconfidence which can also cause us a lot of damage.

For example, if we started a business in which we made a lot of profit, then obviously we will have confidence that we can do anything. We can make a profit by starting a new business by putting that profitable money somewhere and we started a business but we do not have any special knowledge in it, yet we started that business in the Over Confidence and it went into a lot of loss.
In success, Ego teaches us to remove himself from the position of man and make him an overconfident human being with his abilities, which causes us harm.

3. Failing - When everything is going in our hands, we still have one option but we choose the path of our own ruin due to our Ego.
As I suffered a lot in my business and in such a situation my competitor gave me an offer that I should work in his company, which will give me a good salary too. So I turned down his offer because of my Ego - "I will not work in my competitor's company, I will not let this happen" etc...

Meaning I am already at a loss and I missed a good chance to satisfy my ego for a short time. I could know from that moment what a mistake I made that I had to face so much loss. By working in a company, I could know what was missing in my business and how to convert it from loss to profit.

In this way, Ego does not allow us to move forward in every stage of our life, so now the question is that Ego is our enemy, so how do we defeat it ??

There is a method that is best - (+ - = principal)

To get something in life, all of us must create a synergy with three types of humans,
1. Who knows more than us (+): - Failing
2. Who knows less than us (-): - Succeeding
3. Which is equal to us (=): - Aspiring

Aspiring - If we are in the Aspiring stage, then we have to find someone equal to us, who thinks like us, keeps the same balls as us. He can also be our competitor who will encourage us to try more than our limits, which will challenge us and help us to move forward.
And when such a person is with us, we will not have time to pay attention to others nor do we care so much for others, then we will be busy making ourselves better.
Just like if I want to do business, then I have to live with people who want to do business like me, I will learn from them and I will work hard to grow ahead of them.
Succeeding - If we are in the Succeeding stage, then we are looking for someone very successful from us, when we start boasting in ourselves, then the same successful person will remind us again and again that we are still far behind, and we have to move forward. This will not bring ego in us but will bring humility which will help us to move forward and finish our ego.
Our plus (+) may be our mentor (guru), or one who is far ahead of us.

Failing - If we are in the Failing stage, then we are looking for someone who is less than us so that we can teach that person. Because it happens many times that by teaching, we get to know where we made mistakes and where we can be better. By staying with such a person, our confidence and positivity will also increase, which is really important to stay in this stage.

There is a saying -

"Ego is just like a dust in the eye, without clearing the dust we can't see anything clear, so clear the ego and see the world"                                                     

     You can read this book to know more -  

Click here if you want to read it in Hindi:-

   Thank you!

Sunday, June 7, 2020

12 rules of brain

Hello friends!!
We probably don't know how the knowledge of science can improve our reading, teaching or any work even if we are a student, teacher, housewife, parent or workaholic businessman, these simple rules will explain to us what conditions our brain works best and how can we use these rules to transform our daily life.

Rule # 1: - Our brain is a survival organ

Our mind is made to solve the problems of the outdoor environment of changing all the time. Just because we are not stronger than a big animal, then all our strength is our brain i.e. how we learn from our mistakes and live in order, cooperate with others, this ability to understand each other has been a survival strategy for years. In today's time, if anyone does n't feel safe with their teacher, boss, colleagues in school, office, or any work environment and there is a lack of trust among the group, then such an environment is useless to learn anything or to maximize productivity. To bring out our creativity and to use the mind effectively, we need an environment where the whole group works like a shared goal, and everyone respects each other's opinions.

Rule # 2: - Exercise enhances our brain - powers
Our mind has developed in the conditions where we are constantly in motion, due to which the best conditions for us to process any information are those in which we are moving our body instead of sitting in one place. 
It has also been seen in research that when one adopts an active lifestyle, then their cognitive scores start increasing, especially when they are doing aerobic exercise, cycling, running, walking, and swimming. This happens because by exercising, the amount of neurons present in our brain starts increasing, oxygen and glucose reach it more. Oxygen reduces unstable electrons, i.e. free radicals, and increases our mental sharpness while glucose works to provide energy to the brain.

According to research, we should do at least 2 -3 times aerobic exercise a week for the best results, and if we don't have that much time then the best way to increase brainpower is long-distance walking.

Rule # 3: - Our sleep - quality is directly related to our thinking capabilities
We don't know this but our brain indeed remains active even at bedtime and the reason for its staying active is to process the information taken throughout the day and remember new things.
Generally, when and how much sleep a person needs, it varies, but it is common for everyone to sleep in the afternoon. Because the chemicals that bring sleep in the afternoon are at a peak in our body. According to research, people who get 20 -25 minutes of sleep in the afternoon increase their mental performance by about 34%. So we should at least have 7 - 8 hours of sleep and even after that if you sleep in the afternoon, a 20-minute nap must be taken.

Rule # 4: - Our mind is not made to bear the stress for a long time

Our defense system with the help of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol gives us energy and motivation to escape from immediate danger and these hormones also work as soon as we get out of the danger zone. 
But when we are stressed due to some reason for a long time, then these hormones start to damage the blood vessels due to which we may have a heart attack or stroke. 
Similarly, due to the increase of the right cortisol, the cells present in the hippocampus start to deteriorate which it becomes difficult to understand and remember things so instead of we can change our situation, we have to take responsibility for our situation. One should also look after himself by finding a solution with a calm mind.

Rule # 5: - Every brain wired differently
Whatever we do or learn in our lives and our brain becomes physically different from other people's brains, i.e. two human brains can ever be the same, each of our neurons can have a different function. 
For example, in an experiment, a researcher showed a photo of an actress to a subject, when the same neuron was activated in his brain and the same neuron was activated repeatedly when different photos of that actress were shown. This led him to understand that every neuron in our brain can store a unique piece of information and it will activate only when we encourage that information again. Meaning there is a special neuron in our brain to identify the people or things with whom we are familiar.
Rule # 6: - We ignore boring things
We ignore boring things and what we pay attention to depends on our memory, interest, culture, and the outcome of that thing because all these factors and events make us emotional and whatever things with our emotions, we remember for a long time and accurately because of positive emotions signal such opportunity which can increase our chances of survival and reproduction. Negative emotions grab our attention because negative things can kill us.

Rule # 7: - Repeat it to remember anything
Our short term memory can store limited information due to which we have to repeat it again and again to remember anything. With this, whenever we give any information to our brain, it divides it into pieces and sends it to different parts of the cortex for storage, and the more detailed and context is associated with this information, the longer it remembers us. 

Rule # 8: - Our senses are made to work together
Our senses are made to work together, and only then don't rely on anyone's sense to learn something - meaning sniffing is a sense that carries a lot of memories with it, because of which reading to remember anything. A scented candle or perfume should be used in the room and the same scented candle or perfume should be used again only when we want to remember that information.

Rule # 9: - Vision is the most important sense

We also know that when we hear or read about any incident, we remember barely 10% of it after a few days. 

But when we consume any information visually, then we remember it for a long time because in our evolutionary past we have understood the dangers, food, reproductive opportunity by looking at it and then put it in words or symbols.

Rule # 10: - We can be smart by making and listening to songs

According to research, musical training can improve people's reading ability, mathematics, emotional intelligence, and language processing. Listening to music can improve our vocabulary, sensory-motor skills, and working memory. These benefits are also seen in different age-groups. This is because music also increases the emotional excitement inside us and provide a temporary boost.

Rule # 11: - Men and women have different brains

Mental health professionals have known this rule for years because many mental disorders such as schizophrenia which is a type of dementia are more common in men but depression is more in women. Along with this, men show anti-social behavior during poverty, and anxiety increases in women.

At the time of stress, the amygdala of the right hemisphere of men becomes active which makes them easy to understand by outlining the situation. Whereas the amygdala of the left hemisphere becomes active during stress in women, which enables them to understand the details of the situation.

Rule # 12: - We are made to explore
This rule states that we learn from a very early age how to understand things because when we give something in the hand of a child, he feels it, turns it, puts it in an ear or mouth, or sees it. So that he can gather the necessary information about that thing and understand its properties. This desire to understand our things, even after we become an adult, makes us curious to understand our environment so that our mind constantly changes and we continue to learn new things.


You can read this book to know more -    

Click here if you want to read it in Hindi:-

Thank you!

Saturday, June 6, 2020

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Hello friends...
It happens to us often that we watch any number of motivational videos. Our motivation and excitement level is over after a time. And in the end, we start doing what we are used to doing. Most people are compelled by their habits and work according to their habits, no matter how much they may be understood.

In the right way, we become such a human being that we find it very difficult to change our habits and this causes us to succeed and fail.
So, first of all, we should know which of our habits is right which will help us to succeed and which habit is wrong which we need to change.

There are some habits which will help us to change our wrong habits: -

1. Be Proactive: - To understand this, we take an example -
As a cockroach sits on the dress of a woman in a restaurant, the woman is terrified to see that cockroach and starts screaming loudly, she tries to throw that cockroach away with both hands. When that woman's hand falls, he jumps up and falls on another woman, then that woman also starts panicking and behaving like the first woman. Seeing this, a waiter standing nearby goes to help them, and in throwing it, the cockroach now sits on top of the waiter's shirt, but instead of shouting and panicking the waiter observes the walk of the cockroach in his shirt and then he Holds the cockroach and throws it out of the restaurant.

So here those two women were reactive because both those women reacted while the waiter was proactive, the waiter took the solution with thinking and took the right action accordingly.

What is the difference between reactive and proactive people?

Reactive people blame others for everything, such people give their feelings or control to others as- they are making me angry, their country is not progressing because their government is not good, they cannot progress Because his Bose is not good, he is not happy because people are not good, and even if no one is accused of blaming him, these reactive people start blaming their own luck. Such people feel that it is not in their hands to control the situation or anything, all is a game of condition and luck, all the problems are coming from outside, but their thinking is their biggest problem.

Proactive people take care of themselves instead of giving their experiences or control to others, such people take 100% responsibility for their actions themselves, instead of cursing the situation and luck. And take the right action and correct it. They focus on the things that they can change, not those things which they cannot change.

2. Start with the end goal in mind (Start with the end goal in mind) -
We all know that one day we all have to die and we also know that we will only take our karma with us whether it is right or wrong. So we should take every step of our work thinking about our end.

For example- Suppose we went to someone's funeral, we hear a lot about that dead person there that the man was a true friend, responsible, honest, helping everyone. Then we should ask ourselves, will we be able to be true friends of anyone by the time this time comes, will we be able to do our work by then, will we be able to fulfill all our responsibilities, till then? Will we be able to be a good-hearted person who helps everyone?
Are we working right now to become what we are trying to get something we want to achieve?
After questioning ourselves, we should start working on all these as soon as possible.

3. Put first things first (Put first things first) - Do the necessary work first.
It happens to all of us and we say that
                                                                "Dude! What to do, there is no time !!!"
Then, whether we are wasting our time on the social sites, or are thinking unnecessarily, we will do this work today, then will not do it tomorrow, telling ourselves to avoid work. All this is one of our most common habits which wastes a lot of our important time and never lets us grow above an average human being.
So, in that case, we should do the same thing first which will take us very close to our goal. After that, we can give priority to our remaining work.

4. Think win-win - Do a work in which you can benefit yourself and others too.

For example - Suppose I have a pickle business and your papad business and you like my pickle and I like your papad so much, then I will send my customer to your shop for papad and you will send your customer to my shop.
 This method is said to be thoughtful, this will keep the good friendship between both the shopkeeper and both will also benefit.

If we want our victory, then we should not think of losing someone else firstly, and even if that thought comes, then we have to convert that idea into mine and someone else's victory where both benefit. By doing this, our abundance mentality will develop.

5. Seek first and then understand (Seek first to understand and then to be understood) 
We often listen to the words of people in such a way that we can give them some answers rather than understand them. Our focus remains only on what the frontman said, and not why the frontman said it. So we must first understand what someone is saying to us, only then we can understand his problem and solve it.

6. Synergy - This habit connects us with people, teaches them a lot of them. This teamwork also teaches us how to work with each other by keeping pace.
For example - Suppose you are a cricket player, then you cannot play for India alone, in such a situation, you have to increase the coordination with your team members and learn a lot from them and you can also teach something in which You are better.

7. Sharpen the saw - Here the edge in saws means the edge in our knowledge.
For example- Suppose a man was cutting a tree in the forest, he was trying to cut the tree from the saw but his tree was not cutting because there was no edge in his saw. Another man said to that man who tries to cut the tree "You should sharpen your saw first." Then the man who cut the tree told him that "it will take time".

We too make the same mistake, first of all, before doing any work, we think that it will take time, thinking that we don't do any work at all and keep avoiding it, whether it is to do fitness exercises, or read books, etc...

Just think if that man had already sharpened his saw, would not his tree have been cut down quickly? Due to which he was engaged in cutting the tree till now.
These habits make us effective if we follow these habits then we can make ourselves a great asset.


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